Thursday, September 17, 2015

This Thursday is acting like a Monday...

... What a bitch!

Lets start off  by saying i washed my hair three times this morning, once with body wash... That is how this Thursday is treating me... okay we can move on now....

As you all know I have stated several times and again once more. I am REALLY terrible at this whole blog thing. I have really REALLY good intentions though. So that has to count for something. 

Things have been absolutely insane for the last 2 months, but its all good because i am going to give a quick rundown... ready... Set... GO!!

We Moved!! yep we are back in the Keystone state, presently at 10:07 pm it is 64 degrees outside, I am siting in my moms Kitchen with the windows open. Its really nice even if there is a nuclear plant like 5 miles away. But we dont talk about that... lol It has been really nice to be back in PA, we have already seen a ton of people and B and Magoo are going to experience FALL I am over the moon excited for that. I will have to tell you all about the terrible wonderful experiences we all had with the drive north. I don't think it is a road trip we will forget ever  anytime soon. 

Secondly, we are still getting married... i know we have been engaged for like the last 10 years right? it certainty feels that way... good news the wedding is coming up.. even better new?!!? its in like 36 days!!! That's right, in just 37 days I will be a wife (lord help him!) Its all coming together, invitations have been sent, dress is being altered, suits ordered. Just gotta finish the center pieces ( i will hopefully have a post about them)

listen again i have really good intentions but i have an ALMOST ONE YEAR OLD!

let me say that again... He is ALMOST ONE!!!!

Yes, Magoo will be turning one in like a week. I cant even begin to talk about this, I'm not ready, hes too old and i need more time. 

Okay I need to stop or else i will be in the fetal position over on the other side of the kitchen and we just don't need that kind of melt down right now 

I know once again i left you with a lot to take in, and you are totes magotes welcome ;)

Until next time...

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