Monday, September 21, 2015

I'm a Mom....

...And its the the best job I have ever had.

I have posted about Magoo a few times here already, and I realized that I have never shared my birth story. So for this thrilling edition of Mommy Monday I will share it for you all. Some of you that read this know the story, Most of you don't, so get comfortable, this could take a while.

January 14, 2014 9:00ish (I don't remember the exact time but it was def in the 9 pm hour) PM

Bret and I were in the car and I said to him, I think I might be pregnant. Now I guess I should admit here that I had the worry every month that I was pregnant. I am paranoid. I'll admit it. He laughed it off and said then take a test. Now because of my paranoia I had tests just kinda hanging out. I told Bret its late and it will most likely be negative. They are always negative. plus its not morning pee which is always best when you are early pregnant has a higher HCG hormone level.

Well we got back our apartment and as luck would have it I had to pee. So I went into the bathroom and took the test. It was the longest 3 minutes of my life. I went back into the bathroom and looked at the test "Babe" I called Bret and then went " I think I'm going to vomit". He yelled back " don't mess with me" I said " I am not kidding, come here". Now we had a little bathroom with just enough room for one person at a time. i was leaning on the sink dry heaving. Bret looked at the test and went "okay cool" I looked at him "That's it, that's all you have to say. We are having a baby" He looked at me dead serious and said, " do you want me to be freaking out or something". "Yes join me wont you" I answered. I went to the living room and it said out loud a few times " we are going to have a baby, our lives will never be the same again."

Friday January 17,2014 (my 24th birthday)
We had just gotten done dinner and I said to Bret, I need to tell my mom. I cant keep it from her anymore. So i called my mom, and I bawled my eyes out. Her reaction was laughing. she thought i was kidding. Then I showed her the test on FaceTime. and it was real. I was going to be a mom. I was scared. I am still scared but I am kicking ass at it.

I saw this face for the first time and I was absolutely in love with my little Nugget.

He was so perfect even then. 

I didnt have a terrible pregnancy. I had to take the glucose test 3 times. It was horrible but I passed and that was a positive. I also had gallstones. If you have ever had gallstones throughout pregnancy, GIRL I know what you are going through, It is worth it once you have that baby in your arms. 
I was put on bed rest at 37 weeks. I worked in a call center for insurance and sat all day with no way to elevate my feet. I left work one Friday, and my socks were cutting off circulation. It was bad news. Bed rest was boring, but what we needed to keep Magoo cooking.

I was scheduled for my induction on September 25,2014. My mom was flying in that morning and with the swelling and high blood pressure they didn't want me to wait any longer, My Due date was September 26,2014. So at 5 am on September 25,2014 we got up i got dressed and we were off to have a baby 
So dark, but packed to the 9s
Everything was going really well, induction started at 6, water broken at 8, epidural (Yes I got one, no I don't feel bad about it. kindly respect that) at 12. Things were moving along smoothly. Mom was on her way from Tampa at this point everything was good. Around 3 my nurses ( I wish i could remember their names, I know one was Ruby.) said lets start pushing, in walked Mimi. I had two great coaches. Bret was right there the whole time he was great. When he took a break mom was there to keep me going. I wasnt resting much between contractions so I had oxygen. Magoo was doing great. The could see the head.

Fast forward 5 hours and multiple positions to push (while having an epidural. yep, I am a rock star) They said that he was face up and stuck, Around 7 I told them he wasn't coming "Come on baby big head we can do it" I kept saying. But I knew it wasn't going to happen. Bret was given something to eat. (thanks mom for getting the nurses to give him food) . 

I don't remember much after that. My epidural ran out and I was "making animal noises". It ran out at 8, they took me back at 9:20. I know they gave me some kind of pain medicine. Oxygen was the best thing ever invented, and the nurse was my best friend. I remember being wheeled into the OR, and getting the spinal block. Arguing with the anesthesiologist that I couldn't breathe and then I fell asleep. Next thing I knew they were saying "Lets get ready for a baby" And Bret was there.

I listened and listened. Then I heard it. The most precious sound in the entire world. I heard my son cry for the first time. Sitting here typing about it I'm welling up. It was the best moment of my life. suddenly there was another person in the room but no one opened the door.Bret was there He told me he was proud of me we did it, we had our son. And he was perfect.

 At 10:15 pm on Thursday September 25,2014 I became a mom. It has been the most rewarding and exhausting job I have and will ever have. On Friday this little nugget will turn one. I cant believe how fast this year has gone.I swear, he was just born, and now he is running around and laughing. Telling us all Ah Ah Ah while wagging his little finger and giving bear hugs.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you. Thank you for making me a mommy.

Until Next time....
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  1. I love you and my Godson to pieces! XOXOXOXO Happy (early) birthday baby Wyatt <3

  2. He is amazing, Made me a better person, I will give him hugs and kisses from you for his birthday while you are on vacation!
