Friday, September 25, 2015

To my son...

... On your first birthday!

Happy Birthday My Sweet boy,

I just peeked in on you in your bed. Your little eyes are shut tight and you are in dreamland.  I want to thank you. Before you came into your fathers and my life we didn't really have much purpose. Of course we love each other there is no question about that. But  once you came along we had a purpose. We are your parents, we were chosen. You picked us, and we are better people because of you. Magoo you are our first born and today on your first birthday I'm overcome with emotions. You and I have experienced so much together in such a short time. Some things I missed out on, like your first word. But I was there the first time you cried, and I was there for your first step, and the first time you crawled.

You have brought so much joy into my life I can't even explain it. One day when I am old you will understand how much you can love someone unconditionally. It is the best! I promise you that.. Mimi  told me how much I would love you. But she never told me how consuming it is to love your kids. You are on my mind from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. I miss you even when you are in the other room napping.

I remember or first time together alone. Just you and me in the hospital. I watched you sleep. I was amazed that I was able to bring someone so wonderful into the world. You have changed my world. Now it is full of giggles and hugs and kisses. Will strive to give you the life you deserve. With a puppy and a brother or sister (one day, maybe when you are 4. Deal?) and I can guarantee that you will have plenty of hugs and giggles and kisses.

Today we celebrate you. Wonderful  you.  The little Magoo that came into our lives when we needed you the most. And you are the best thing I have ever done in my entire life. I know you were in heaven with my angels before you  came to meet me. I will help you to know about them, they were wonderful people!

Magoo, today you are a whole year older. You will teach me more things than. I ever thought I would know. I cant wait to see what life brings you.

I loved you  then, love you still. Always have always will.

Happy Fist birthday Magoo!

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