Friday, December 11, 2015

30 before 30 UPDATE...

... I am happy to announce that I have a update to my 30 before 30 list. I have been planning this post for a while and well obviously it hasn't been written until right this second. I apologize but as we discussed, I am pretty terrible a this. Anyway, as you all may or probably don't may not remember I had a list , kind of like a bucket list of things that I want to do before I am 30.

Here is the list again for a refresher--

1)Travel Abroad
2) Get Married
3)Run a 5k
4) Buy a house
5) Adopt a puppy
6) Go skydiving
7) Have a honeymoon
8) Lose 20 pounds
9) Grow my blog
10) Witness a proposal
11) Be a maid of honor
12) Treat someone to a Random Act of Kindness 
13) Go an entire week without social media
14) Visit the florida keys
15) Go ice skating at Rockefeller Center
16) Go horseback riding
17) Pay off my debt
18) Do a cleanse
19) Sew a quilt
20) Have a cousins reunion
21) Go on a girls only weekend
22) Send Bret to Tallahassee for a FSU game
23) Get a couples massage
24) Buy a NEW car
25) Have another baby
26) See the rockettes during Christmas
27) Vacation in California
28) Donate my hair
29) Serve food during the holidays
30) Start a new family tradition 
Well lovelies I am happy to announce that I can cross off # 30! We have started a new family tradition. I didn't realize when I started it that it would become a tradition, I just wanted to watch a movie. It actually started in 2012 ( I know how could I not realize it was a tradition) . The night of thanksgiving my in-laws were at our condo and I just didn't want to watch football anymore. I can only handle no little football. So I thought for a change we could watch a Christmas movie since it was officially the Christmas season. Santa arrived in the parade, Christmas was coming. So we decided to watch Christmas Vacation.
And now every year after dinner and dishes are done, yes while listening to Christmas music. We snuggle in and watch Christmas vacation because everyone needs a little Eddie in their life after a large meal.
Of course we say all the famous quotes with the movie. But this is one tradition that I started with Bret. I know some people go out shopping for their tradition. What ever it is I hope you enjoy it.

What are some of your tradition for the holidays?
As always, until next time...
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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Christmas Craft....

I am SO beyond excited to post a craft for you all FINALLY a Christmas Craft!! ( I am a hopeless crafter, Give me a glass of wine, a hot glue gun, and I'm in my happy place) I have been wanting to post a craft since the wedding so bad and I am way to freeking excited about it. Okay now I LOVE Christmas I really do. It has been extreamly hard to get into the spirit of the holidays when you are singing about letting it snow and its 80 degrees outside. Well this year is a little different. Now that we are in PA and not FL its bringing the holiday feeling back.

As you know we just got married, and of course I am that newlywed that needs to have all the things that say we are married around, so I can look at them all the time. So for some of my holiday crafts I am making ornaments for our tree. The first one I am doing is a Pinterest inspired craft with my own little twist on to it.

The Inspiration

I bought the products used here at AC MOORE, Michael's and Hobby Lobby. Lets be honest you will be able to find majority of them at any craft store.

You will need:
  • Acrylic Paint 
  • Clear Christmas Ornament (i am using plastic, Toddlers and glass not a good mix.. I got mine at A.C Moore for $1.00 super excited about this will need to get more!)
  • A wedding invitation 
  • Scissors 
  • and Mod Podge 

Okay for your first step you want to take a wedding invitation that you have left over*we all know this is a common occurrence* and cut it into strips. I am going horizontally so that you can make out some of the words.

From there I twisted the strips, You can leave them the way you cut them out. 
I wanted to be fancy.

Once the pieces are twisted put them into the ornament
Next you will want to take a small tip paint brush and pant on your
Family last name on the ornament ( I went the step farther and put EST 2015 on the back
that decision is yours if you want to put it on the back,front, or not at all)

I used Acrylic paint which scratches off way too easily, so i sealed the paint in with Mod Podge
(if you are new to crafting get yourself a big jar of this stuff you will use it for basically everything you do, its glue, and a sealer. Its a must have in every craft corner)

I couldn't find my sponge brush so I used a paper towel bad idea
Always, always, always use the sponge brush. But you want to coat that bad boy all over. Okay let it dry, it wont take too long to dry, but over night is always safe before you hang it on your tree. 
Now becuase I am impatient and wanted it to be completed before I left it to dry over night this is why we cant have nice things

I added the bow. I was unable to get pictures, all cameras were dead and i didnt feel like looking for batteries *I will post an update on how to do the bow.*  But i just took my glue gun and wrapped a small piece of the trim around the metal of the ornament. and then placed the bow "in the middle" of the ornament and boom sha-ka-la-la you have your ornament. I did take these finished product pictures this morning.
Front, Back and Bottom. 

Alright there you have it. All in all it took about an hour and a half to complete everything. 
Drying time not included. 

If this helped you at all leave me a comment below with a picture!

If you want more craft tutorials let me know that too!!

As always,
Until Next time...
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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

We have ...

... and Elf on the Shelf!

His name is Sly and Bret and I enjoy it more than Magoo does. He showed up last year and decided to come back again this year.

When he first showed up in 2014

He flew in the on black Flriday.. A little early but to us that is the start of the Christmas season. This year since we are currently at my parents, My little Sister and Brother are enjoying looking around for Sly every morning. They read the story so they know not to touch him but that he is listening to them.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4
 (Bret sang I came in like a wrecking ball,. No wait I came in like a dradle when we found him here) 

Day 5

Day 6

 So Far he has been pretty low key. I can't wait to see what else we come up with, Its hard for us to figure some stuff out because we have a dog and Magoo is 1 so he will want to touch him. Do you have an elf? What were some of your favorite things that he did?

Shorter post tonight, I'm so tired I'm falling asleep on my keyboard. I will have an update to the 30 before 30 soon!!

Until Next time...

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving was...

... So good! 

I have so much to be thankful for this year. My husband, my son. Our health, our families both near and far. The few readers of this little hobby of mine. To be honest I'm just like all of you. Basically thankful to be awake everyday. So here are my 25 things I'm thankful for, they are crazy and in no order (a few days late.. I'll have recipes posted this week. I promise!!)

1) coffee
2) nap time 
3) mushroom pizza
4) my sons laugh
5) nap time
6) I love Lucy reruns 
7) Christmas music
8) girl talk
9) nap time
10) my person
11) snuggles
12)country music
13) shooting stars
14) nap time
15) game night
16) crafting
17)mushroom pizza
18) staycations
19) nap time
20) planning trips
21) chocolate 
22) candles
23) my husband
24) snow
25) um, nap time?

In reality I'm thankful for all of it. I feel like I'm repeating myself but I'm so happy to wake up everyday. And I am SO thankful for magoos nap time some days. I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving and have an even merrier Christmas! Yes I say Merry Christmas, no I'm not sorry about it. 
Until next time...
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I HAD a gallbladder...

... and then it was removed.

Today is my Surgiversary! Its been 1 year since I had my gallbladder removed.

My gallbladder was the gallbladder from hell when I got pregnant. I woke up from a nap, drank ice water and was in the worst pain of my life. It was horrible. The pain didn't go away, infact it increased. Finally i vomited and it went away. We didn't know what it was. Maybe I ate something bad, regardless I kept track, it would happen all the time no certain foods or anything like that. I went in to my OB and they told me it was indigestion, I told them it was Gallstones. At this point I had been researching my symptoms and i knew for sure that it was gallstones. We tried to use Zantac to see if that would help. It didnt. Memorial Day weekend rolls around, We were at breakfast at IHOP. Bret could tell something wasn't right. He knew I was having problems, now at this point I was 22 weeks pregnant with Magoo. We left breakfast and went to L&D.By the time we got there the pains were gone. As fate would have it.

Now these pains would go away as quickly as they came on. It was literally like blinking that quick they were gone, and I was exhausted from the pain. L&D advised to come back the next day for tests. So we did, i wasn't allowed to eat anything and we showed up at 8 am. I was brought to a room, they were slow and i stayed for 3 days, I had an MRI, ultrasounds, and a ton of blood work. It was glorious. Diagnosis: Cholelithiasis. I had a ton of stones in there.

The Nurses in this hospital were the best! Nurse Kelly and Nurse Shannon were the best. ( I actually had Shannon when I

gave birth and she remembered me. She was pregnant with her own little boy. I hope they are doing well)
My Meals while I was admitted,

Bret brought me some comforts of home.

 The second time I was admitted it was a lot of the same, except this time we knew I had the gallstones, i was farther along 32 weeks. There were no surprises. I was just anxious to make sure that Magoo was okay . He was, Thank the lord, We decided at this point that once I gave birth the gallbladder was going to be removed


Fast forward to November 17,2014 We went to the out patient surgery section of the hospital checked me in and then we waited. I was finally taken back, put inder and the gallbladder was removed. Bret was waiting for me but Magoo needed to be at home not at the hospital. So Bret took him home. I was in recovery, then I went to L&D because I was a nursing mother they sent me to L&D. Now if you know anyone who has had their gallbladder removed irbid you've had it removed, you know that it is an outpatient procedure. However I wasn't the hospital for 3 days. And not one dr could tell me why I was in there. All they could tell me was that I had to have a second procedure done. And then suddenly I didn't need it done and I could go home. So strange.
(Just a few shots from the 3 day stay...)

But it all worked out in the end, it wasn't a walk in the park. I swear the pain was worse than labor. I would never wish it on my worst enemy. 

But a year later I don't miss it. I have my super small scars to remember the journey with. It was totally worth it.

Happy Surgiversary! Until next time...
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Monday, November 16, 2015

Dear Joey...

I have been following your story closely for the past few weeks, the pictures of you snuggling your baby girl have a place in my heart that has grown since having my son a year ago. You are new to me and I'm sorry for that. I am almost ashamed to say I probably wouldn't be writing this blog if you weren't sick. I love country music, but I never came across your music (and you got me hooked). Your voice is amazing. You are very talented, and you obviously are doing something right to have a man by your side that loves you as much as Rory does.

I am writing this letter to you, and I am not trying to be a "bandwagon" fan, or someone that is trying to get in the lime light. that is so far from the reason behind this letter. . But at this time of your life, you are inspiring me as a mother and a wife. I have read countless articles about how strong you are. My son and I have added you to our prayer chain, every prayer helps right? I guess my main reason for this is because I want to share with my friends and family the story of a mothers love. Its obvious in the pictures of you with Indy how much you adore your little girl. 

You have fought, and tried your hardest, You did good momma. And luckily your little girl will have your songs to comfort her, and stories from Rory, and her aunts and uncles and cousins,siblings,  grandparents you name it. Now, I am not the end all be all of what everyone in the world that is following your story has to say. But for me and my family, you have showed us what it means to fight, and be okay with your next place. 

I have had family members that we have lost to cancer, it seems like there is at least one person in every family, doesn't it? I watched the video from when you rang the bell tonight, and I sobbed as you and Indy hugged the nurses and I want to thank you, because you have welcomed ME into your life, even if it is only for a brief time. You have taught me that time is precious. Moments with my son are moments that I will never get back. The one extra cuddle before bed, the stinky diaper in the middle of the night. The random hug and kiss while playing or the tantrum because he doesn't want his sock on while wearing his show. The stupid fights with my husband about who changed the last diaper, or who's turn it is to turn off the light before bed, and the big ones too because we are human. These are all things that need to be cherished. 

Because of you and your love for your husband and three girls, I am making a promise to you, My promise is that I will cherish my time with my son and husband. Because at the end of the day, time can come faster than we all realize. Even though you have come into my life near the end of yours, my heart is with you. I hope in your last days you have nothing but peace, comfort, and continue to be surrounded by your loved ones. And know that your fans both old and new are praying for you, You have gained 3 new prayer warriors.

"Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away. And going away means forgetting"- Peter Pan,

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Spinach Artichoke Dip.....

...Made by me In the Crockpot!

Recipe courtsey of Pinterest and

All right, its football season and for some of the Eagles games we have parties. Not all of them and not always big games, but we have fun anyway. And on a fall day there is nothing better than a hot dish.

I decided I wanted to make some spinach- artichoke dip. I am so happy with it. IT WAS DELICIOUS! Here's what you will need...

 14 oz Artichoke Hearts, chopped and drained. 
(*Now I am no artichoke expert. I THINK I bought the wrong ones. All i had to do was rinse them in water and got the seasoning and oil off the best i could. They still worked great!*

1 10 oz package of frozen chopped spinach, drained.

1/2 cup Sour Cream
*I used friendship dairies, it was on sale at ShopRite, you can use whatever brand you love*

1/2 cup mayo
*Mayo can be any kind you want. I prefer Hellmans Mayo SNOB to the max*

1 Cup finely chopped onion
*Helpful Hint: ALWAYS get your husband or anyone else to chop the onions, my eyes were burning so bad!*

1 clove garlic minced
* we love garlic so i used 3- seriously garlic is a food group in our family*
what you're supposed to use...

what i used ;)

1/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese
*again we used what was on sale at shoprite, use whatever brand you love and or whatever is on sale*

1/4 teaspoon garlic salt.

Okay I forget to get the picture of this, but this is the kind of garlic salt I used.

1/4 cup milk
*whole milk from target*

1 8oz packet of cream cheese-cubed.
*there is a theme here, it was on sale use whatever floats your boat for cream cheese*

Salt and Pepper to taste

I didn't add, but everyone added if they wanted too. 

Okay BEFORE you start, spray your crock pot with non-stick spray. It really made a difference.

Now you want to throw ALL of that into a blow and mix, you want to make sure its all mixed pretty well before adding to the crock pot.

Once mixed throw it into the crock pot & 
add the cream cheese cubes evenly throughout 

Turn that bad boy on high for 2 hours. 
Check it around an hour, if everything is hot, it's done. 2 hours is recommended to make sure everything gets cooked through.
Mix in the cream cheese and serve.
 It was delicious!

My taste-testers

My Taste-Testers part 2

The only picture I could get of the finished product

Now it says that the prep time was only 10 minutes. I am NO where near a chef. It took me at least 30 mins to prep. But then again I had issues with onions, and forgot to defrost the spinach. 
Try it out. Let me know if you liked it! We sure did!

Until Next time....
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Friday, November 13, 2015

Want more?

So we all can be friends, find me on Bloglovin!

Best Part? You get an email when I post!

Lets try it out?

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Motherhood is... your kids shit out of the tub.

Tonight was bath night. I attempt every other night with Magoo. He loved the bath, it was his favorite. Now? nope not going to happen. He starts to scream before i even get his clothes off. This is a new development. I think i figured it out though. A few weeks back while the tub was filling up he pulled the tab and on came the shower. Oh no no no no no, Magoo was not having that.

Tonight I tried a different tactic. Instead of running the water with him in the room, I started the water before he got in the tub, Well that worked, sorta. Once I got the water where it should be not too hot, not too cold. Just enough in the tub. now came the hard part. I had to undress the magoo, and then get him in the tub.

So I tried it slowly, I sat him on the side of the tub and wet his feet with the cup for a while. Then it was time to go. And he was not happy. He cried and told me ALL DONE. There is a video, I sent it to Nikki, it was so pathetic it was adorable. We had some cheering, and dancing and singing. and I was able to get him in the tub. It was great! Then he did it, there was a grunt, and floaters. Yep he took a shit right in the tub.*sigh* Now comes the fun part....

Of course I fished out the poo, Welcome to Motherhood, and you thought it was just diapers, vomit, and kisses. Boy were you wrong! This has happened twice at this point, which is no big deal. But this means I need to add more water. So we drain the tub and start the singing, cheering and dancing again. This worked through tears and screaming and more ALL DONE. But alas, Mommy won. Magoo got a bath, splashed, laughed, and had fun.

And as much as I hate to see my son cry, especially when it comes to his bath. I am that much happier that we were able to get him through the hard part... tonight at least. 

Tomorrow may be a different story. Only Time will tell.  

As always, until next time....
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Monday, November 9, 2015

Just another...

...Manic Monday!

I cant believe it is already monday! I really have a case of the monday's this week. But that is not going to stop me from doing a weekend round up with you.

Our weekend was busy, extremely busy. For starters i am fighting off a cold that will never leave. I swear it is going to be a fight to the death. So far, i have the cough that just will not quit, and the stuffy nose. Its gross. Bt lets talk about something else. Like the freakin' weekend.

Saturday started off like an Alfred Hitchcock movie. I was making my coffee and I'm looking out the window. I literally watched the bird get ready and BOOM right into the window. I swear it was the craziest thing. I don't even understand how it happened. Magoo hung out and watched tv with his uncer before we went to the soccer game. Pots and Pans was the captain for his game and got to do the coin toss. Last game of the season for the Celtics, and boy was it.. i don't even know the word. I understand they are kids, But damn. They literally stood there and watched the other team win. Its a shame, but some of them played well. We FROZE our faces off. Its not that it was cold. The wind was killer. It was so bad. I had Magoo in his stroller turned away watching kids run around because the wind was that bad. 

Then when we came home it was a relaxing afternoon, ma raked the front yard. Bret raked the back yard. I took a nap. We watched the FSU game, i was extremely happy that my husband wasn't cranky after the game. If you knew his friends and their love for THE Florida State you would get it. Its deep and its real. But the best part, THE BEST PART. THE BEST PART was after the game. My husband gave ME the remote. There was still football on the tv, but he gladly handed it over. This is HUGE for my husband. He lives for saturday football. I don't get it. Watch your team and call it a day. He actually got made at me one time for changing the channel while he was ASLEEP.  Yep he was sleeping and still threw an attitude because I changed the channel. You gotta be kidding me. Anyway. It was a good saturday. Low key, just the way I like my weekends. Topper would have been a girls night with my Nikki (The Honest Fox  ;check her out, I love her and you will too. Tell her I sent you :) ) and wine, with a rom-com on in the background. But she is too far away.


Sunday we got up and dressed and headed out to Peddler's Village for the apple festival. There was apple moonshine. Yep, thats right apple moonshine. It was nice once we got there, the drive kinda sucked but at the same time, when is being in the car the best time ever?  We walked around for roughly an hour. I told Bret we need to go back when there isn't a festival going on so that we can enjoy the place. We were with my dad, his wife. Brother, girlfriend and their kids. We decided to go to dinner with My brother and his family. As we were heading back to their house we saw some deer, They are so pretty. I don't understand how people can hunt them. I mean they aren't hurting you. Leave Bambi and friends alone. Capiche? We saw hot air balloons literally taking off to our right and flying LOW over our car. It was very, very, neat. We got my mom some thanksgiving decorations and then say by the fire and watched the E A G L E S, beat Dallas. 

It was a great weekend. I hope we have more like it now that we are coming up to the holidays. I love that we are back north and Bret and Magoo can experience the seasons. 

I hope you all had a great weekend too. Life is about the moments that take your breath away. 

Until next time...

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